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Made in Portugal

Delivered in 100% bio-degradable packaging

Individually checked and measured garments 

270gsm heavy organic cotton



100% Organic Cotton

Ethically sourced in India

Yarn fully spun and knitted in Portugal

Better breathability and comfort due to advanced spinning technology with a smart knitting application.


Piece Dyeing - dyeing fabric prior to cutting pattern

22% less electricity

31% less steam

28% less water


Pre Shrink

We chose to use a pre-shrink process on all of our products to ensure our customers a fit they can count on from first wear and beyond.

Supply Chain

We are aware that shipping products throughout the globe isn't very sustainable therefore we decided to minimize that process.


Our raw cotton is sourced in India and shipped straight to Portugal. At the factory it is first spun and then knitted into production ready fabric roles. Within the same location pattern pieces are cut and sown into the final product.


This reduces traditional  steps of supply chains drastically since all production steps post sourcing happen at a single place. 

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